Delete your ATAC Account
You can delete your account at any time. If you change your mind, you might not be able to recover it after a certain amount of time.
Note: If your account is associated with your school, club, or another group, please reach out to your administrator to initiate the account deletion process. Individual deletion may not be available in such cases.
Follow these simple steps to delete your account:
- Login: Open the app and log in to your account using your credentials.
- Access Menu: In the top-right corner, locate the menu icon. Scroll down and select "Delete App."
- Verification: Follow on-screen instructions. Verify your account by entering your password and hit "Verify your Password."
- Confirmation: Confirm your choice to delete your account.
You have 30-days to log back in to ATAC, which will reinstate your account; after that all your data will be permanently removed.